Undergraduates Charged Up for Dad’s Weekend
It is my pleasure to announce that this fall our chapter of Delta Alpha had the largest pledge class on campus amongst fraternities, signing 61 new men into Delta Alpha. We plan to host multiple sorority mixers with Gamma Phi Beta, our University Sing competition partners, and Pi Beta Phi, our Homecoming partners. We are also preparing to host many tailgates, which Mike Johnston ’88 has been facilitating. The first tailgate of the year was the weekend of September 8 for the OU vs. UCLA game and was a hit. Our chapter is planning many events for the fall and we are generating a newfound and superior culture within the chapter and across campus.
Last fall, our chapter had 13 members earn 4.0 GPA, helping the overall chapter GPA be a 3.175. This GPA is up from a 3.04 last semester and moved our chapter up to seventh out of 17 fraternities on campus. In addition to grades, we attended our second annual fall philanthropy, the JDRF OneWalk in Oklahoma City, Okla., on September 30.

From left: Fox Pever ’21, Blake Harris ’21, Cole Stalcup ’20, Cayde Edwards ’21, Paul Kelley ’20, Logan Holtmeyer ’21, Evan Goodearle ’20, PJ Novak ’21, and Delta Alpha Chapter President Kevin Helm ’19.
Additional important events include hosting our Dad’s Weekend Tailgate Day, which was held on the weekend of November 16. On Friday, November 16, members and their families were invited to a rented out bar at Sooner Legends on Lindsey Street. On Saturday, November 17, we hosted a tailgate at the Shelter for families, and of course, any alumni who want to come, before the OU vs. Kansas game. We want to extend a special thanks to Scott and Wendy Thompson for stepping up as the new heads of the Delta Parent’s Association. They have been great to work with, and continuously show their love and support for our chapter.
Each day, the men of Delta Alpha are growing stronger on campus and as brothers. Between alumni tailgates, career days with local alumni, and golf tournaments, our chapter is continuing to move in a great and confident direction. We are continually grateful for alumni support and are always looking forward to meeting new alumni. We hope to see you at the Shelter in the near future.
Kevin Helm ’19
Chapter President